Eat Pineapple…

Eat pineapple for an upper respiratory infection. It contains bromelain – a natural anti-inflammatory, painkiller, which fights off bronchitis and sinusitis. It is also know to assist in healing stomach ulcers and bodily injuries.

If you have damaged skin, the collagen in pineapple juice will recondition the skin and boost the immune system. It also breaks down cholesterol…who knew!

So what does this all mean? It means that pineapple is your first go to food if you get a respiratory infection, need injury recovery, to minimize bruising, have digestive issues, and skin issues or just plain tired of the wrinkles…

Even though pineapple is available year round, it might be easier to keep in dried form. Given the possibility of unseen mold that will grow on dried fruit, I recommend soaking dried pineapple in lemon water for 20-30 minutes to omit any fugal growth prior to eating.

The other day, I soaked my dried pineapple, placed it in the Vitamix, added apple and strawberries with ice then blended until I had the most amazing tasting smoothie – try it, you’ll like it!